Lyserg Diethel | |
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Statistics | |
Japanese Name: | リゼルグ・ダイゼル |
Romanized Name: | Rizerugu Daizeru |
English Name: | Lyserg Diethel |
First Appearance: | Chapter 85 (Manga) Episode 27 (Anime) |
Affiliations: | X-Laws; Five Elemental Warriors; Team "X-I" |
Occupations: | Dowser/Detective |
Epithet: | |
Japanese VA: | Yoko Soumi |
Furyoku Level: | 3.500 (initial) 170.000 (final) |
Guardian Ghosts | |
Japanese Name: | Morphine |
English Name: | Morphea (manga) Chloe (Anime) |
Meaning: | Morphine (drug) |
Type: | Nature Spirit |
Japanese Name: | Zelel |
English Name: | Zeruel |
Meaning: | God's knowledge |
Type: | Seirei Class |
Lyserg Diethel(リゼルグ・ダイゼル, Rizerugu Daizeru) is a fictional character from the manga and anime series of Shaman King. He is orphaned from a young age, when Asakura Hao killed his parents for refusing to join him. This makes him seeks revenge, and eventually made him participate in the Shaman Fights to kill Hao. He would eventually join the extremist group known as the X-Laws, believing they would help him gain his revenge.
Lyserg in his X-Laws Uniform
Lyserg has a very adrogynous appearance, at first meeting being mistaken for a girl by Umemiya Ryunosuke. He has light green hair and green eyes, which he inherited from his father.
He dresses in a similar fashion as his father, and in both cases their outfits were probably a homage to Sherlock Holmes. His clothes consist of a green cloak, a white shirt with a white folded handkerchief and black pants and black leather shoes.
After Lyserg joined the X-Laws, Marco began training him and after swearing loyalty he was given a classical white uniform similar to the others.[1]. The main difference between his uniform and the others is that his skirt is completely open with nothing beneath but a pair of white short shorts and black boots, with bare legs. When not in his X-Laws uniform he wears a white dress shirt, with rolled up sleeves, a tie and suspenders, and a pair of short shorts, with his gun holster on the left side[2]
After training in hell, he discards his X-Laws uniform, and begins wearing clothes similar to his original ones except that he now wears a black cloak with a dark green lining, dark green short shorts. He wears a white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, a white folded handkerchief and long dark green sea boots.[3][4]
The main antagonist Asakura Hao, killed his parents while he was young and since then he has sought out revenge on Hao.
At first, Lyserg joins with Asakura Yoh and the others, but later joins the X-Laws, a group dedicated to destroying Hao. When Lyserg joins them he is unsure about the ways the X-Laws try to eliminate Hao. Though Lyserg holds great hatred for Hao, Yoh's own philosophies and personalities keep him from crossing the line. In the anime, Lyserg abandons his spirit Morphine for an angel spirit called Zeruel, but in the manga they are inseparable.
For his character, Lyserg is rather unstable when it comes to parent-child situations. He has a generally kind heart, although he becomes a bit of an anti-hero. Lyserg's goals are to take revenge on Hao and to become a great detective much like his father. He is very passionate in his hatred for Hao, and will snap at the sight or sometimes even the mention of him. He also loves reading Detective and Mystery stories (Probably in memory of his Father).
Lyserg is a dowser, a person who is able to find a person or persons using his special abilities. Lyserg uses his Crystal Pendulum for dowsing and even for spirit control. While fighting his way through the Plants, Kyōyama Anna looked through the Furyoku values of Chocolove and the others. There it is revealed that his Furyoku is about 170,500, thus giving him the second highest Furyoku reserve of the Five Elemental Warriors.[5]
His guardian ghost is known as Morphine (Chloe in the English anime; Morphea in the English manga). Morphine is the spirit that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Diethel family. It is known that she is the spirit of a poppy flower, which to Lyserg is like Horohoro's spirit; a spirit of the Earth. When Lyserg was six, he was given a test for his dowsing skills. He had to find the key to a cage, which was holding Morphine inside. In order for Morphine to be Lyserg's spirit, he had to unlock her from the cage. Although the task of finding the key was difficult, he managed to find it within Big Ben, the famous English clock.
Lyserg and the Spirit of Fire
Lyserg's second spirit is Archangel Zelel (アークエンジェル・ゼルエル) or Zeruel. Zeruel is a mechanical Archangel that runs on the Angel Engine. The Archangels were modeled after sports cars, Zeruel being a Lotus Elise. One day, Marco began wondering where Lyserg's loyalities lay and decided it was time for his new weapon. Marco entrusted him with Zeruel, wanting him to deliver justice with him. Lyserg's first use of this spirit was when he saved Usui Horokeu from Hao's followers.
In the manga Lyserg fuses Morphine and Zeruel together to form his armor oversoul, O.S. Mastema Dolkeem (Flame of Hostility) and attoning his Furyoku to that of the element of Fire. According to Lyserg, Mastema Dolkeem was created to prevent his grudge from taking over his life, and not to fight Hao.
“ | "My Mastema Dolkeem wasn't created for you. The reason behind this O.S.... Yes! I just wanted to prevent the fire of my grudge from burning my soul!" -Lyserg Diethel to Asakura Hao about his new Over Soul.[6] | ” |
Lyserg is also one of the 5 warriors chosen by Lady Sati. He went through hell training which in turn, gave him the power necessary for conquering Hao. After Hao began uniting with the Great Spirit he sent the spirit of Redseb Munzer, with the Spirit of Fire, to Lyserg and his friends, thus finally giving Lyserg the Spirit of Fire. He is called the cleverest of the 5 warriors by Pascal Avaf and is the second strongest among the 5.[7]
He was born on May 17, 1986.[8]
Lyserg comes from London, England and was raised by his father Liam Diethel to become a dowser. Lyserg was trained from the age of four to be a drowser. Lyserg eventually used his powers to find the key to Morphine's cage. Morphine became his to control. Lyserg came home to tell his father that he has succeeded in releasing morphine. He returns home only to find Hao standing over the burning corpses of his parents. Hao turns to leave but Lyserg stops him. Lyserg tries Morphine but can not do anything due to his inexperience. Just before Hao knocks out Lyserg he grabs his father's pendulum. Lyserg eventually is rescued by the local firefighters and grows up with his maternal grandfather.
When he was old enough he left his grandfather. Lyserg then traveled throughout England to find who burned down his house and killed his parents.
Lyserg being tested by Bron
Lyserg was Qualified by Bron of the Ten Patch Officiants,[9] and the fight took place in the rooftops of Tokyo. It took some doing on Lyserg's part since he could not track Bron, but eventually Morphine tracked him down and hitting him allowing Lyserg to enter the Shaman Fights.[10]
Lyserg's time in the first round is unknown but he did win two matches and go to the second round. Lyserg got on the Patch Plane and was dumped somewhere in the American west
Lyserg first appears dowsing for others who also sought out to find Patch Village. This had made his Pendulum point to the place, where Asakura Yoh and his friends where staying, for two days.[11] When the group prepares to leave the next day, he appears and calls them to wait. Thinking he is a girl Umemiya Ryunosuke is immediately smitten with him.
Lyserg then gives a full introduction about himself and asks to join the group, to which Yoh politely greets him, much to the shock of the Horohoro and Tao Ren. After a brief debate about him by Horohoro and Ren, Ryu shockingly notes that Ren addresses Lyserg with "he" and asks if Lyserg is a guy to which Lyserg pulls down his pants and shows them proof, scaring Yoh and the gang. Lyserg then goes on to explain his dowsing abillities and reveals his spirit, Morphine.
Lyserg defeats Tao Ren and Horohoro
After a schuffle between Lyserg and Horohoro, Horohoro prepares his snowboard for an attack against Lyserg, to which he shows off his oversoul and strikes Horohoro, who dodges. Suddenly appearing in front of Lyserg, Horohoro reveals his own Over Soul, but the Pendulum Over Soul appears next to him and the pendulum tip is right in his face. Ren prepares to cut the wire with his own fully charged Over Soul, but Lyserg easily incapacitates both Ren and Horohoro by cutting them with the wire and crushing their mediums. Yoh quickly steps in and says that he wants to take his friends to the hospital, while stating that he will show no mercy if Lyserg stands in his way. Loosing his calm demeanor, remembering how he came home to find his parents killed by Hao, he quckly strikes Yoh, only to have his pendulum stopped by the tip of Harusame, and later destroyed by a fully Over Souled Amidamaru.[12]
Lyserg attacks with "Big Ben"
Yoh and Ryu then leave to get Horohoro and Ren to the hospital, but Lyserg, in his anger, reveals a Crystal Pendulum and attacks at full force. Attaching his pendulum to a nearby bilboard sign, Lyserg jumps above Yoh and creates the Big Ben Wire Frame, threatening to completely tear through Yoh.
However seeing Yoh's face being so similar to that of Hao so many years ago Lyserg looses himself and allows Yoh to cut down the attack. Yoh end the fight by punching Lyserg in the face but still allows him to join the group.
The group finally arrives at what is supposed to be the Patch village and encounter Team "Tsuki Gumi" and Team "Kaze-Gumi". Hearing that they are part of Hao's followers, Lyserg moves in to kill them, but Yoh holds him back. After a small bickering with Boris Tepes Dracula, that involves Boris killing his own teammate, Boris appears behind Lyserg and bites him, turning him into a vampire. It is later revealed by Amidamaru that he is possesed by Boris' guardian ghost Blamuro the Vampire Hunter.
Eventually they manage to free Boris' ghost and free Lyserg. Ryu defeats Boris and he faints. Lyserg saves Ryu from falling. The X-Laws kill Boris leaving Lyserg in awe of their power. When the X-laws leave, Lyserg thinks about how incredible they were. As a thanks to Yoh for saving him, "Big Guy" Bill Burton leads the group through the underground caves, until the presence of the Great Spirit makes them all faint from high amounts of spiritual energy.
Lyserg is seen in an empty Room, recovering from the Great Spirit. He finds his way outside still crying and runs into Marco. The X-Laws get Lyserg to join them and together with Marco and Iron Maiden Jeanne, Lyserg forms Team "X-I". The next two months pass uneventfully with Lyserg learning about the X-Laws rules and requirements.
Two months later Team "X-I" is put up against Team "Niles". The fight starts with Lyserg destroying the Nile's mediums and crippling the leader of the opposing team. The Nile's leader uses the Wings of Death and Lyserg fires off a killing attack but stops before it finishes for an unknown reason. Jeanne gets in to the fight by knocking Lyserg aside an asks Marco to unlock her which he obliges. Lyserg then watches Jeanne slaughter the Niles.
Later that night Yoh visits the X-Laws ship and talks to Lyserg. After a short violent confrontation with the remaining X-Laws, Yoh is invited to join the X-Laws by Jeanne heserlf. He refuses however. This in turn causes Jeanne cry and angers Marco. During the same night Lyserg hears the plan of Team "X-III" and how they want to sacrifice themselves to kill Hao. As he pleads them to not do it, he is punished by Marco.[13] He is seen the next day watching the fight with Team "Hoshi-Gumi". There he, while crying, watched in horror as Team "X-III" is all brutally slaughtered by Hao.
Lyserg is shown pushing the Iron Maiden (with wheels on it) with the group after Marco saved them from Luchist Lasso. He mourns his loss, believing that Marco will be killed, but is reminded that they have no time to be grieve. Opacho then comes up from behind to comfort him. Lyserg keeps Marco's glasses in his honor.
In the Plant of the Valley, Lyserg faces the next officiant, Bron (who was his mentor in the preliminary rounds), finding out that both of them had gotten stronger since they last fought. Lyserg begins losing his temper a bit and begins to strike. However, he was unable to hit him and was shot in the chest. Bron goes to finish off the others, but they are protected by Iron Maiden Jeanne. She points out that she feels sad and is about to kill Bron who is still coming after them when Lyserg suddenly regains consciousness and stops Bron's attack using his hand. He later faces Jeanne saying,"Please don't. You should not waste your precious furyoku, Lady Maiden," Yoh and the others assumed he was dead, but Lyserg explained that Marco's glasses were bulletproof and that they kept him safe from the blow.
With Bron's anger rising, Lyserg began examining him and thinking about when he could attack. The fight then ends with Lyserg explaining how mind over body works and him performing a move called "Cremation" severly burning and killing Bron.
As the group finally arrives at the 10th and final "Plant of the Universe" they realize that there is no oxygen and no gravity and begin to wonder how they are supposed to fight in there. At first Lyserg suggest that they all protect themself with their own personal O.S. but Ryu suddenly interrtups and suggest that they all use the heads of his O.S. Yamato No Orochi so that the rest can fight at full strenght. As Ren questions the responsibility he would suddenly have he says that he wants to be usefull too as the seven is currently his best place.[14]
When Hao finally awakens he sends a message to the Oracle Bells that reads "'so small" He arrives at the final plant and effortlessly kills everyone with a simple glance, excluding Rutherfor, Opacho and Yoh. After Hao attempts to banish Yoh from his area in the Great Spirit Ren, Lyserg, Chocolove and Horohoro appear within it, with the Five Grand Elemental Spirits. A fierce battle between the 5 Elemental Warriors and the Shaman King begins.[15]
Funbari no Uta
21 Year Old Lyserg
Lyserg appears in the "Funbari no Uta" miniseries as one of the Five Elemental Warrior cameos. He is given the Spirit of Fire and is considered the second strongest of the warriors[16].
Lyserg is 21 and has physically changed. He has gotten noticeably taller and his hair is no longer messy. He no longer wears his patched shawl. Instead he now sports a black detective trench coat and black hat. In the Visionz images Lyserg is shown wearing a dress suit and it would seem that he wears Marco's glasses at random.[17]
In the final chapter he arrived at the meeting place of the five warriors with Chocolove.
Lyserg's father, Liam Diethel, is a shamanic detective much like Sherlock Holmes. His spirit was Morphine(Chloe in the english anime) and his medium was the pendulum. Both the pendulum and Morphine were handed down to his son, Lyserg. Lyserg's mother, Jean Diethel, has little known history.
Both were killed by the antagonist Asakura Hao for refusing to join him in the upcoming Shaman Fights. When they were killed Lyserg was placed in fostercare at his maternal grandfather.
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